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Please accept our apologies but we are experiencing technical issues this morning with our telephone line.  We are working hard to try and resolve this issue and thank you for your patience

            Image result for small social media image for world mental health day   World Mental Health Day 2024

On World Mental Health Day, let’s all come together to talk about mental health and show everyone that mental health matters. Talking about our mental health can help us cope better with life’s ups and downs. So, on World Mental Health Day and beyond it, why not check in with your friends, family, peers, or colleagues? 

World Mental Health Day is celebrated every year on 10 October. This year’s theme set by the World Federation of Mental Health is workplace mental health. The theme highlights the importance of addressing mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, for the benefit of people, organisations, and communities. 

There are lots of ways that you can take part in World Mental Health Day. 

Celebrate with a Tea & Talk! Last year, over 260,000 people had a Tea & Talk for World Mental Health Day - raising vital funds for mental health whilst getting together and talking about mental health. Every donation supports life-changing work and brings us closer to a world with good mental health for all.

Patient Group

New Code on Medical Records..

Aged 50 or Over?  Noticed a new entry on your medical record? Wondered what an EFI score is? This is a contractual requirement across Lancashire and is part of a wider piece of work being carried out by the ICB who said :


“The addition of the Electronic Frailty Index (EFI) score is to help identify individuals whom may benefit the most.  It is an administration code added to the healthcare records based only on existing information contained in the record.  It is not an indicator of a clinical diagnosis of Frailty nor can be used as such.  The use of the index score is part of improving quality of care to individuals with frailty across Lancashire and South Cumbria”   Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB)

 If you are unhappy with this policy, then you can contact the Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board, Patient Experience Team on: or call 0300 373 3550.


Together with Chorley Council

The Chorley Central and Chorley Together PCN would like to share the upcoming drop in sessions with the Social Prescribing Team.  Patients can simply turn up on the day and there will be tables where you can speak to a member of the team and leaflets for information and advice.

Please see dates below and feel free to drop in:

Tuesday 14th May 9:30am – 12pm – The Chorley Surgery, Gillibrand Street


Inspire - Substance and Misuse Service

Inspire are part of the National Charitable Organisation ‘Change Grow Live’. Their aim is to provide recovery from addiction and dependence and support people to make positive changes to their lives.

Inspire covers the whole of Lancashire, and the North & Central Service includes hubs in Preston, Chorley and Skelmersdale. They provide all aspects of drug and alcohol treatment in Lancashire, including open access, structured treatment and referral to Tier 4 rehabilitation.

Referral can be made either by a professional or as a self-referral using the same brief referral form.

For any queries regarding medication, Inspire can be contacted on 08081698673 and there is an option to speak to the Prescribing Administration Team.

Smokefree Lancashire

Inspire have also recently taken over the contract for stopping smoking from Quitsquad and the new Smokefree Lancashire’s website is now live. Patients can be referred online by a professional or as a self-referral.


Useful links  

Inhaler techinque


Chorley Council are currently leading the corporate priority home energy support scheme. Letters have been sent to around 900 households within the Chorley borough and the focus is to visit as many households as possible to ensure they are warm over the winter months and offer support to those who need it.   Please see the leaflet below and to see if you can benefit from this scheme, please contact the team to arrange a visit.

Home Energy Support Scheme

We’re proud to be a Veteran Friendly Accredited GP practice and to support our veteran community this Remembrance Day.

We know that this Remembrance Day is likely to be particularly challenging for the many veterans in our community and we want you to know that we are trained and committed to effectively identifying and supporting your health needs.

As a Veteran Friendly Accredited practice, our team: 

  • recognises the importance of identifying veteran patients within our community
  • understands the unique health needs that veterans may have
  • strives to provide veterans with the very best care and support 
  • knows about the specialist veteran healthcare services that exist 
  • undertakes regular training and development to ensure we’re able to deliver the very best care to veterans in our community and meet the health commitments of the Armed Forces Covenant

If you’re a veteran patient, please do let us know that you have served so that we can make sure you receive the most appropriate and best care, if and when you ever need it.

You can learn more about the accreditation and how it supports veteran patients, here:



Please use the following link to leave to the practice a medical query. This will save you calling the practice on the phone during busy periods. Please allow up 7 days for a response - If you have any urgent medical queries that cannot wait then you should call the reception team then it can be dealt with promptly.

Heatwave guidance June 2023 (


Please note the surgery is no longer able to fill in firearm licence forms. If you require one then you will need to arrange to see a private doctor for an assessment. 



We now have a Facebook page where you can keep up to date with news and information from Euxton Medical Centre. Follow us @EuxtonMedicalCentre

Where else can I get help?

Your community pharmacy can support you with a wide range of minor ailments.

If you need urgent help when we are closed, use the 111 service either by telephone or online at NHS 111 online. Trained professionals are on hand to direct you to the best service for your needs and will be spoken to be a clinician if needed.

If it is a life-threatening emergency, you should call 999.

Opting-Out of Sharing Your Patient Data With The HSCIC

NHS England has commissioned a programme of work on behalf of the NHS, public health and social care services to address gaps in patient clinical information in order to improve the quality of care and health services for all. The role of the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) is to ensure that high quality information is used appropriately to improve patient care.

However, the NHS recognises the right of every patient to choose whether their data should be available for such use by the HSCIC, and therefore an information leaflet has been prepared, together with a set of frquently-asked questions by patients, for your information prior to making any decision as to whether or not to opt out.

If, having carefully considered this information, you wish to opt out, and you do not want your data held by us being made available to the HSCIC, or you are content for your data to be available to the HSCIC but you do not consent to ANY of your data held by the HSCIC being released (anonymised and under strict legal controls) to legally-permitted third parties (e.g. clinical researchers), please visit: Your Data Matters and follow the guidance. 

Safe Space for Children – Chorley Inspire Youth Zone

Youth Zone is a purpose-built community charity facility, located on Chapel Street Chorley and for the borough’s young people aged 8 – 19 (up to 25 for those with disabilities). Open daily when schools are closed 365 days per year.

It has fantastic leisure and creative facilities providing a fun and safe environment where young people can enjoy themselves, giving them a safe and inspiring place to spend their leisure time, raise their aspirations and confidence to create a happier and healthier generation.

As well as providing state of the art facilities the staff do lots of 121’s and mentoring to support children’s emotional and mental health needs.

Inspire have over 4000 children on their registration and it is an amazing space where our local Children and Young People can find much needed support, moreso following the impact of the Covid lockdowns.

Please do share details to any families and carers you believe have children who would benefit from attending.

Membership is £5 annually and then 50p for each visit after that. (adjustments made for families who are unable to pay)

If you would like further information, please contact Janet Ince, Mental Health Transformation Manager.


You can use the NHS app to access your medical records, order repeat prescriptions and more. It is safe and easy to sign up to. No need to trail into the surgery to gain pin numbers etc.

You can use the NHS coronavirus app wherever you go; it’ll keep checking to see if you’ve been in contact with anyone who’s since tested positive for coronavirus. 

Self Care

We talk about self-care, but what do we really mean? There’s a pyramid that can help you to understand what you need to do to look after yourself, and this article provides a really good explanation: Self-care is a really important part of healthcare, and knowing when you can safely look after yourself and when you need to seek further help is vital. If you’re unsure, your pharmacist can help with lots of minor ailments:

Care Navigation
Our Reception team are here to support you and guide you to the most appropriate service. 

The GPs at Euxton Medical Centre have asked the reception team to take a brief reason from you when booking an appointment. 

This is to assist our reception team and GPs in providing you with the most appropriate care.


Out of hours

If you require medical advice when we are closed please call the 111 service free of charge.


Euxton Medical Centre was inspected on 1st March 2018 and awarded an overall rating of 'Good'

Health News from the BBC and the NHS

BBC Health
NHS Choices Behind the Headlines
Call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergencyNHS ChoicesThis site is brought to you by My Surgery Website